EmberFest is the European Community Ember Conference. If you’re looking for updates on the latest and greatest in Ember and Glimmer this is the place to be. EmberFest is also a great opportunity to get in touch with the European Ember Community (and friends from abroad) and hiring Ember talent.
Day 1
Sep 12, Thursday
Times are local, Dublin (IST) time
09:00—10:00 | Doors open & Breakfast |
10:00—10:30 | Opening Keynote – Yehuda Katz |
10:45—11:15 | Ember and Vite - How it works and what it unlocks – Chris Manson |
11:30—12:00 | You don’t need another library for that: How we’ve built a Visual Workflow Builder – Leo Euclides |
12:00—13:30 | Lunch |
13:30—14:00 | What’s going on with Reactivity? – Preston Sego (aka. nullvoxpopuli) |
14:15—14:45 | Composing components with (and without) context – Kevin Kucharczyk |
15:00—15:30 | Scalable Frontend Architecture That Meets Your Business – Thomas Gossmann |
15:30—16:00 | Snack break |
16:00—16:30 | What is Ember’s pitch? – Open Discussion with Marco Otte-Witte – Marco Otte-Witte and others |
16:45—17:15 | Accelerate Your Growth: From Novice to Thriving – Mo Fiebiger |
17:30—18:00 | The Architecture of WarpDrive | Beyond Universal – Chris Thoburn (aka. runspired) |
Day 2
Sep 13, Friday
Times are local, Dublin (IST) time
09:00—10:00 | Doors open & Breakfast |
10:00—10:30 | But Why? A look at common patterns found on the web, how they are harmful for accessibility, and what to do instead. – Melanie Sumner |
10:45—11:15 | From Monolith to Monorepo: The life story of a large legacy Ember app – David McNamara |
11:30—12:00 | From React JS to Ember: A Newbie’s Comparative Journey – Toyib Olamide Ahmed |
12:00—13:30 | Lunch |
13:30—14:00 | Memory leak found, now what? – Bartłomiej Dudzik |
14:15—14:45 | Ready vs. Done: Striking the Balance Between Good and Perfect – Kenigbolo Meya Stephen |
15:00—15:30 | Moving Mountains – Isaac Lee |
15:30—16:00 | Snack break |
16:00—16:30 | Lightning Talks |
16:45—17:15 | The Art of Data Fetching – Tomek Niezurawski |
17:30—18:00 | Closing Keynote – Edward Faulkner |
18:30—23:00 | Closing Party at the venue 🎉 |
Our Sponsors

Conference Venue
This year’s EmberFest will take place in The Chocolate Factory. It offers a bright industrial event space in the first floor with a great atmosphere. The venue is located near the city center.
Check on map