Day 2 Sep 22 – Friday

Day 1

Times are local, CEST

09:00 - 10:00

Doors open & Breakfast

10:00 - 10:30

The Future Soon

In this talk I will go over the new component authoring format, template tag or .gjs and .gts. The talk is intended for a more intermediate audience as we will be focusing on more complex component patterns, in conjunction with usage of tracked built-ins and resources. We will cover topics such as: - Introduction to template tag components, including syntax and strict mode. - Examples of template-only components, and components with local variables and fuctions (class-less components) - Examples of importing framework-provided and addon-provided template helpers and modifiers - Component composition patterns - Local components - Dynamic components - Using tracked built-in classes in components - Patterns for Array and Map - Using Resources - Examples with cell, use - Working with data fetching - What and how you can use today in your applications and addons

Photo of Ricardo Mendes
Ricardo Mendes

locks is a founding member of the Ember Learning core team and a frequent open source contributor. Their latest interests are playing Netrunner and Padel.

10:45 - 11:15

The Ember Guides in French 🇫🇷

Translating the Ember Guides to French? English is accepted as the common language developers use to share their work, so what’s the point? Is a translation really worth it? I’ll tell you a bit about this in this talk. To sum it up: there’s a huge difference between being able to set a few variable names in English in a codebase and understanding advanced topics covered by the documentation. I consider language as part of the accessibility, and I strongly believe the Ember Guides deserve to be as accessible as possible because they’re not only about learning Ember, they’re about getting what you’re doing to become a better developer.

In the main part of the talk, we will learn how the Ember Guides are built and what are the challenges to customize a fork to create this kind of translated website. We will explore three technical aspects: a bit of Ember magic to customize the UI, a series of amazing spell-checking tools maintained by unifiedjs collective, and a bunch of git commands to follow the official Ember Guides updates. Along the way, I’ll mention an addon with the barbaric name of “guidemaker-ember-locale-template”, which aims at being flexible enough to help with any translation project for the Ember Guides. So who knows, maybe this talk could be inspiring?

Photo of Marine Dunstetter
Marine Dunstetter

My name is Marine Dunstetter. Here are 3 things about me that might explain the existence of this talk: I am a frontend engineer working mainly with Ember, I am French, and I love writing. I write Fantasy novels, which has nothing to do with dev ; but I am also interested in writing good docs and I am not scared about translation work, which has a lot to do with dev.

11:30 - 12:00

EmberData 5.x: The New Era of Backend Integration

Join us on a thrilling dive into the world of EmberData like you’ve never seen it before. We’re peeling back the layers on the latest, game-changing updates and the super-powered APIs that are making developers’ lives easier. Ever been puzzled by how to integrate your backend with EmberData? We’re here to light the way, using the PocketBase as backend to show you exactly how it’s done. Through a live demo and real, hands-on code, we’ll walk you through the steps to supercharge your own projects. This talk is perfect for developers at any level who are ready to level up their EmberData game. Grab this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and master the new release of EmberData. See you there!

Photo of Kirill Shaplyko
Kirill Shaplyko

Consultant at Galar Systems, S.L. I am doing professional web development since 2013: first doing Rails and later (2015) Ember. Started with few apps at Ember 1.8. In my free time I am working on app to help new parents track kids activities. Huge mechanical keyboards enthusiast

12:00 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:00

Resources Squared

Resources on Resources: The missing primitive

Photo of Preston Sego
Preston Sego
14:15 - 14:45

Scaling Frontend Excellence: Supercharging Productivity with Dedicated Infrastructure Teams

Having individuals consistently work on Frontend Infrastructure can supercharge your organization by creating a separation of concerns between infra and product, making your product engineers more productive and helping your organization keep up to date with modern advancements in technology.

When codebases are small it’s easier for product engineers to make updates improving frontend infrastructure alongside their regular product work. Unfortunately, when codebases and teams scale, this becomes harder to do well. Large codebases become harder to maintain over time, resulting in longer timeframes to make sweeping improvements or adopt new standards. This makes it untenable to rely solely on product engineers to make sporadic improvements due to conflicting priorities with their team.

But how should this team operate? How should it decide what to work on? How should it measure success? I’ll be discussing our journey to adopt such a team. We’ll cover how we think about our roadmap, how we prioritise work and how we measure and define success.

Photo of Pat O'Callaghan
Pat O'Callaghan

Pat is a Staff Engineer on Intercom’s Frontend Technology team. His team’s mission is to supercharge product teams at Intercom by providing world-class tools, education, and guidance, enabling them to deliver value and accelerating them through the UI lifecycle.

15:00 - 15:30

Q&A with Ed Faulkner

Ed Faulkner, member of Ember.js Steering Committee will answer attendees' questions in a Q&A session.

Photo of Ed Faulkner
Ed Faulkner
15:30 - 16:00

Snack break

16:00 - 16:30

Lightning Talks

Like every year, participants (on-site as well as remote) will have the opportunity to give lightning talks.

16:45 - 17:15

Road to Embroider. Moving mountains and getting everyone onboard.

As the Ember.js framework continues to evolve and thrive, it presents developers and tech leaders with exciting opportunities to create monumental changes in their projects. However, driving these changes while gaining crucial buy-in from teams and stakeholders can be a daunting challenge. This conference talk aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate this path successfully.

In this engaging session, we will delve into the world of Ember.js and explore the power of the Embroider build system. Through real-world case studies and practical insights, attendees will discover how to elevate their Ember.js projects and foster a collaborative environment that embraces transformative change. We will explore effective communication techniques to convey the vision and benefits of these changes, leading to greater support from all stakeholders.

Whether you are an experienced Ember.js developer or just beginning your journey, this talk offers valuable takeaways for all skill levels. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of Ember.js Embroider, unlocking its potential to revolutionize their development process and drive lasting impact.

Join us for this enlightening session as we unravel the secrets of Ember.js Embroider and learn how to weave innovation and buy-in into every aspect of our Ember.js projects. Let’s embark on this adventure together, empowering attendees to lead their teams toward a brighter and more successful future with Ember.js!

Photo of Alexey Kulakov
Alexey Kulakov

With over 15 years of experience as a frontend developer proficient in various frameworks, I am deeply passionate about tackling complex problems that span frontend, backend, and DevOps, all with the ultimate goal of enhancing the developer experience. Continual growth and staying up-to-date with the latest technology are at the core of my approach. I believe in fostering collaboration within the development community and sharing insights to empower others.

17:30 - 18:00

Panel: Ember – Why and Where?

We'll be talking with a group of panelists about why their teams chose Ember and why they continue to build on it today. We'll also talk about what use cases and non-use cases for Ember are. We'll be openly talking about the concerns the ecosystem currently has about Ember's future and hear about the factors that companies with significant investments in Ember consider when making decisions about their future investment in the framework.

The panel will be moderated by Marco Otte-Witte.

Photo of Jamie White
Jamie White

Jamie is an engineer at HashiCorp and a long-time Ember aficionado. He ran Ember meetups and conferences in London for about four years, has spoken twice at EmberConf, and was a relatively early contributor to Ember CLI. These days he’s based near Barcelona and spends his time with his family, learning Catalan, and learning to play the clarinet.

Photo of Pat O'Callaghan
Pat O'Callaghan

Pat is a Staff Engineer on Intercom’s Frontend Technology team. His team’s mission is to supercharge product teams at Intercom by providing world-class tools, education, and guidance, enabling them to deliver value and accelerating them through the UI lifecycle.

Photo of Jesse White
Jesse White

Jesse is the Engineering Manager for Heroku’s Front-End Engineering Teams. Heroku has been using Ember since 2014 and is actively expanding its Ember codebase. Jesse is based in southern Colorado where he enjoys the outdoors, especially skiing, and spends way too much time making a single cup of coffee.

18:00 - 22:00

Closing Party